When balance is understanding, Clarity is Stability



Teaching Assistance Material Suggestions (TAMS)

Some things only come through give and take. Things like; paying attention for gaining direction or mastering the way from mishaps and mistakes. Learning is a lesson that last a lifetime. From before we can speak to being too old to see there is no "enough" in learning stuff. In TAMS we try to highlight lessons and teaching suggestions from things mentioned. In this is the AIMD objective of increasing the benefit gained from your time and invested focus with us.

AIMD Understanding

Different cultures but One humanity like different roots from One family tree. When learning reaches understanding we know and grow better. The "specialness" of each person carves the cleverness we see in Earth. We hope our writings and videos can promote the needed united individualism we call humanity. We reach peaks when you do you and I do me.

Move-Men T's

Our custom T'shirts are designed to initiate and encourage thought expression and response. A shirt that should make you think and make others say what they think about it. Making art with speech keeps talk from being cheap. With life jewels in lessons, we hope the designs of "Move-Men T's" motivate meaningful discussions and actions.